World Health Organization (WHO) announces EMF risk reclassification−London 5G Conference emphasizes urgency

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  • World Health Organization (WHO) announces EMF risk reclassification−London 5G Conference emphasizes urgency

On 31 May 2011, the committee of the WHO cancer organization, the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer), decided that electromagnetic fields (EMF) are ”potentially carcinogenic” to humans. This classification means that, according to the IARC, there is limited evidence of carcinogenic effects of radiofrequency magnetic fields on humans. Now the WHO wants to reclassify the EMF risk for our health. Since modern technology developments are constantly growing, this is imperative.

WHO announces EMF risk reclassification

Since then, numerous studies have been published that have demonstrated tumor-promoting effects of high-frequency electromagnetic fields, including WiFi and mobile phone radiation. These newly available findings and still missing test results on long-term effects now lead to a new risk classification: in April 2019, the IARC Monographs Advisory Group published a recommendation for further IARC assessments. According to this recommendation, high-frequency electromagnetic fields should be reevaluated with high priority in the years 2020 to 2024. The detailed report of the advisory group will be published subsequently.

London 5G Conference

Andrea Vornoli

The urgency of the reassessment was underlined at the London 5G Conference in September 2019. Particularly noteworthy to this effect is the presentation “Can wireless communication be harmful to our health?” of the pharmacologist and toxicologist Andrea Vornoli. He reported on the study results of the Ramazzini Institute with regard to tumor development with high frequency radiation.

The Ramazzini Institute

Vornoli is currently working at the aforementioned Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center of the Ramazzini Institute (RI), Bologna, Italy. The institute is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting scientific research on cancer prevention and involved in the fight against cancer for more than two decades.

The NTP Study

Andrea Vornoli compared the results of their own cancer research with respect to high-frequency radiation with the NTP-Study published in 2018. This is a long-term study on mice and rats designed to identify potential hazards from mobile phone fields. The conclusion of the NTP Study: there is a clear correlation between cancer and mobile radio as well as highest evidence for the occurrence of heart tumors, and moderate evidence for brain tumors and diseases of the adrenal medulla in male rats.

Vornolis conclusion

The results of the Ramazzini Institute are consistent with the results of the NTP Study. The brain and heart tumors observed in both studies in rats exposed to radiofrequency radiation have the same histological origin as those observed in other mobile phone user studies. These studies provide sufficient evidence to demand a re-evaluation by the IARC. The 2G, 3G and 4G wireless technologies that have been ubiquitously used for decades with mobile phones, computers and other devices cause radiofrequency radiation that poses a serious risk to human, animal and environmental health. There is thus an urgent need to reassess the health effects of 5G now, before millions of people are put at risk.

Waveguard informs and protects you

Detailed information about the new 5G Technology, the radiation protection limits for mobile phones and co. which are classified harmless by the state, as well as about the options for your radiation protection can be found in our Waveguard blog and on our homepage. Do you have any questions about radiation caused by communication technology or about your personal EMF protection? Please contact us!


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